In this charming romantic comedy, the story centers around a unique relationship that unfolds over two days a week. The film's engaging premise captures the essence of modern love, balancing humor and heartfelt moments. Anmol Dhillon and Jhataleka Malhotra shine in their roles, bringing chemistry and depth to their characters. Their performances feel genuine, making the audience root for their love story.
The supporting cast, including Niki Walia, adds a delightful touch, enhancing the film's lighthearted tone. The dialogues are witty and relatable, perfectly complementing the situations faced by the lead couple. The cinematography beautifully captures the vibrant settings, adding to the overall appeal.
However, while the film offers an enjoyable experience, it occasionally falls into predictable tropes of the genre. Some subplots could have been developed further to enrich the narrative. Despite this, the film succeeds in delivering a feel-good vibe, making it a great watch for those seeking a cozy romance.
Overall, it's a charming addition to contemporary cinema that leaves viewers with a smile and a sense of warmth.