The film "It - A nationwithout women" explores the impact of absence of women on men. The instability, which can creep into a society due to the absence of women-be it physical, emotional and psychological - is the main theme of the film. It underlines how the absence of women inexorably leads to the debasement of men, draining them of all that makes them human.
The film explores a futuristic rural India wherein due to rampant female infanticide, women are practically extinct. The impact of the absence of women on men sees them finding alternative sources of release - pornography, homosexuality, bestial violence. When a girl is actually spied, she is promptly sold and married to five brothers. All five and the father-in-law exercise their conjugal rights in turn. She starts coming closer to the youngest brother, the only one who treats her as a human being much to the chargin of the father and other brothers. The eldest brother has the youngest one killed. She turns to her father for refuge but the father blinded with money too lets her down. After her attempt to escape with the low caste family servant boy unwittingly triggers off a caste war, she is clapped in iron chains in a cowshed and raped repeatedly by her family and the low castes as well. When she finally becomes pregnant, everyone claims paternity. In the throes of the devasting caste war that ensues over her, she gives birth to a girl.