In this entertaining comedy, Kunal Khemu shines in his role as a common man who unexpectedly finds himself in a whirlwind of chaos when he stumbles upon a suitcase full of cash. The film cleverly blends humor and social commentary, showcasing the lengths to which people will go for money and the moral dilemmas they face.
The supporting cast, including Rasika Dugal and Gajraj Rao, adds depth to the narrative with their strong performances. Rasika brings charm and wit as Khemu's wife, effectively balancing the film's comedic and emotional moments. Gajraj Rao excels as a quirky cop, delivering some laugh-out-loud scenes while maintaining a sense of authenticity.
The direction is commendable, with a tight script that keeps the pace brisk and engaging. The cinematography captures the vibrant essence of the city, while the music complements the lighthearted tone of the film.
Overall, this film is a delightful watch that entertains with its clever writing and strong performances. It offers a humorous take on greed and morality, making it a worthwhile choice for anyone looking for an enjoyable cinematic experience.