Set in the backdrop of Shivgad, a small village on the border of Maharashtra and Goa, the movie chronicles the story of an honest and diligent cop Bajirao It (Ajay), who fights against injustice and prejudice with his own ethics and principles. However, It’s life turns around with the entry of powerful criminal-cum-politician Jaykant Shikre (Prakash Raj). The destiny brings It and Shikre in front of each other challenging It’s morals and beliefs. Shikre, who rules Goa, leaves no stone unturned to make It’s life a nightmare. But it’s It’s supportive girlfriend Kavya (Kajal Aggarwal) and his tryst with late Rakesh Kadam’s family makes It realise the importance to bring a change in the system and eradicate the root cause Jaykant Shikre, by not going against the law of force, but by being a powerful part of it