Set against the backdrop of the Kashmir conflict, this film is a poignant tale of love, loss, and resilience. The story follows a young couple whose lives are upended by the turmoil surrounding them. Payal Arora and Zamir Ashai deliver heartfelt performances that bring depth to their characters, showcasing the struggles faced by those caught in a tragic historical moment.
The cinematography beautifully captures the breathtaking landscapes of Kashmir, contrasting the serenity of nature with the chaos of human conflict. The music enhances the emotional weight of the narrative, drawing viewers deeper into the characters' journey.
The film effectively portrays the themes of hope and survival, emphasizing the enduring spirit of love even in the darkest times. The supporting cast, including Hafsa Ashraf, adds richness to the storyline, making it a collective experience rather than just a focus on the lead pair.
While some moments may feel slow, they serve to build tension and allow for reflection on the devastating impact of displacement. Overall, this film is a heartfelt exploration of human emotions in extraordinary circumstances, leaving audiences with a lingering sense of empathy and understanding for those affected by conflict.